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Paypal is available for overseas applicants. Please click HERE to select and purchase.

  Date Regular
Fee (HKD)
Early Bird * /
COF Member
Fee (HKD)
Student ^
Fee (HKD)
Single Day Public lecture Oct 16 $200 $180 $100
Conference (Day 1) Oct 21 $500 $400 $200
Conference (Day 2) Oct 22 $500 $400 $200
Conference (Day 3) Oct 23 $500 $400 $200
Neurofeedback workshop Oct 30 $500 $400 $200
Package 3 days Conference Oct 21, 22, 23 $1200 $900 $500
3 days Conference

+ Public lecture

Oct 16, 21, 22, 23 $1300 $1000 $550
3 days Conference

+ Neurofeedback workshop

Oct 21, 22, 23, 30 $1500 $1200 $650
3 days Conference

+ Public lecture

+ Neurofeedback workshop

Oct 16, 21, 22, 23, 30 $1600 $1300 $700

* Early Bird Deadline: Oct 16, 2021 (Tue)
  COF Membership 2021-2022: Click HERE to Registration / Renewal Now!

^ Students are required to send in their proof of student identity (transcript, copy of a current student identification card, or letter signed by head of department) by email (issfi@isshk.org) for verification, before their registration can be confirmed.

    * Mandatory Fields

    (Nov 12) 3rd Family Systems Symposium - Full day(Dec 03) 2022 Bowen Theory Conference - Day 1(Dec 10) 2022 Bowen Theory Conference - Day 2(Dec 17) 2022 Bowen Theory Conference - Day 3(Dec 03, 10, 17) 2022 Bowen Theory Conference - 3 days(Nov 12, Dec 03, 10, 17) 3rd Family Systems Symposium & 2022 Bowen Theory Conference - 4 days

    Are you a member of ISSFI Circle of Friends (COF)?*
    是 Yes否 No


    Regular - $500/personCOF Member - $450/personStudent (Full-time) - $250/person

    Regular - $600/personCOF Member - $550/personStudent (Full-time) - $300/person

    Regular - $600/personCOF Member - $550/personStudent (Full-time) - $300/person

    Regular - $600/personCOF Member - $550/personStudent (Full-time) - $300/person

    Regular - $1,700/personCOF Member - $1,600/personStudent (Full-time) - $850/person

    Regular - $2,150/personCOF Member - $2,000/personStudent (Full-time) - $1,075/person

    Payment Way*
    支票 Cheque銀行轉賬 Bank transfer現金 CashPayPal (For Oversea applicants only.)

    請在支票抬頭寫上「香港國際社會服務社」,並在支票背面寫上您的姓名、電話及註明「Bowen Theory Conference October 2021」郵寄給我們。

    Please make your cheque payable to "International Social Service Hong Kong Branch" and write your name, contact phone number and marked "Bowen Theory Conference October 2021" at the back of the cheque and mail it to us.

    請轉賬至香港國際社會服務社,並將入數紙 / 轉賬紀錄副本,連同姓名、聯絡電話,並註明「Bowen Theory Conference October 2021」,電郵或郵寄給我們。

    Please make deposit to International Social Service Hong Kong Branch. Send the bank pay-in slip or a copy of transaction record to us by post or email it with your name, contact phone number and mention "Bowen Theory Conference October 2021".

    香港國際社會服務社銀行戶口: 匯豐銀行 004-028-003622-001

    ISS-HK Account: HSBC 004-028-003622-001


    Pay by cash in person during our service hours.


    6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


    Monday to Friday

    上午九時至下午一時; 下午二時至五時四十五分

    9:00am to 1:00pm; 2:00pm to 5:45pm


    Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays

    Paypal is available for overseas applicants. Please click HERE to select and purchase.

    先生 Mr太太 Mrs小姐 Ms不適用 Not applicable

    Name (Chinese)*

    Name (English)*


    Type of Service*


    Education Level*
    中學 Secondary School專上教育 Post-secondary學士 Degree of Bachelor碩士或以上 Degree of Master or above其他 Others

    請註明 Please Specify:

    Corresponding Address*




    Have you attended other ISSFI course before?*
    是 Yes否 No

    請註明 Please Specify:

    Name on Receipt (in English)*
    公司/機構 Organization您的姓名 Your Name

    公司/機構名稱 Name of Organization:

    How did you hear about our programmes?*
    我們的網址 Our Website我們的FACEBOOK Our Facebook朋友 Friends傳媒 Media其他 Others

    請註明 Please Specify:

    Do you wish to receive ISS-HK e-Newsletters?*
    是 Yes否 No

    Do you wish to receive promotional materials of ISSFI's programmes and activities?*
    是 Yes否 No

    1. 報名以先到先得形式處理。

      Application will be accepted on first-come-first-served basis.

    2. 除非課程滿額或取消,否則已繳付之費用將不予退還。

      Fees paid are not refundable unless the enrolled programme is full or cancelled.

    3. 當黑色暴雨警告、八號或以上風球生效時,課堂將會取消,有關補課安排將稍後公布。

      If Storm Warning Signal No.8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, the lesson will be cancelled. Details of postponement or other arrangements will be announced afterwards.

    4. 報名費之收據將於第一堂發出。

      Receipt of application fee will be issued on the first day of the course.

    5. 如修讀的課程總堂數超過三堂,而出席率達八成或以上的學員將獲香港國際社會服務社會頒發出席證書。

      A Certificate of Attendance issued by International Social Service Hong Kong Branch will be given to those who complete at least 80% of the programme with more than 3 classes.

    6. 課堂期間或會進行拍攝或錄影,以作日後學院宣傳之用。如參加者不願被拍攝,請以書面形式通知學院。

      Photos or videos may be taken during the programme, and be used for promotion of the Institute’s services. If there is disagreement about this, please inform the Institute by writing.

    7. 閣下提交的個人資料,只會被用作報讀課程及行政的用途(如您沒有選擇「不接受有關通訊」,資料也會被用作發出香港國際社會服務社 / 國際社家庭學院課程及活動的推廣資訊)。根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,閣下有權查閱及更正有關閣下的個人資料,請以書面方式向我們出有關要求,您亦可參考我們的私隱政策。

      The personal data provided on this form is used by the Institute only for enrolment and administration purposes (and for sending promotional materials of the ISS-HK / ISSFI programmes and activities if you have not checked the tick box indicating objection for us to do so). Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to and make correction of their personal data. Please write to us to make the request. You may refer to our privacy policy for details.

      • 電話 Tel: 28346863

      • 傳真 Fax: 28347627

      • 電郵 Email: issfi@isshk.org

      • 地址 Address: 香港灣仔修頓中心6樓國際社家庭學院 ISS-HK, 6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Please read the notes below for enrolment.

    We accept payment by cash, cheque and direct bank transfer. If you wish to pay by cheque or direct bank transfer, please have the cheque or bank-in slip ready before you fill in the form as cheque number or bank-in slip reference number is required.

    Payment method 付款方式:

    1. Cheque 支票
    Please make your cheque payable to "International Social Service Hong Kong Branch", write your name, contact phone number, programme name and code at the back of the cheque and mail it to us.

    2. Bank transfer 銀行轉賬
    Please make deposit to the bank account of "International Social Service Hong Kong Branch" via automatic teller machines (ATM) / bank teller / the internet banking. Please send the bank pay-in slip or a copy of transaction record to us by post or email with your name, contact phone number, programme name and code.
    ISS-HK Account: HSBC (Bank code 004) 028-003622-001
    香港國際社會服務社銀行戶口:匯豐銀行(銀行編號004) 028-003622-001

    3. Cash 現金
    Pay by cash in person during our service hours.

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