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Mrs. Peggy Chan – M.Ed, R.S.W.

陳蘇陳英女士 教育碩士, 註冊社會工作者

Director of Programme, ISS Family Institute
Fellow & Approved Supervisor (Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association)
Approved Supervisor & Certified Marriage & Family Therapist (Hong Kong Marriage and Family Therapy Association)
Social Work Specialist (Hong Kong Academy of Social Work)


Mrs. Peggy Chan started her study of Bowen theory in the early 1990s in Vancouver through the two year program on Family Systems Therapy at Pacific Coast Family Therapy Training Association. She has attended 5 years (2008-2013) of the Postgraduate Program in Bowen Family Systems Theory and Its Applications at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, Washington DC, U.S.A.  Since 2013, she joined the Bowen Center’s Research Seminar group and attends its conferences regularly. She is a member of the Bowen Center’s cherry Network Program for the Advancement of  Bowen Theory, and collaborates with other Bowen theory training centers around the world to promote better teaching and learning of Bowen theory. She was a plenary speaker of the First International Conference on Bowen Family Systems Theory in Pittsburg, in August, 2015. She has presented at the 51st and 55th Annual Symposium of the Bowen Center held  in 2014 and 2018 respectively. She has also presented Bowen Theory in Texas, Taiwan and China.  She is  the Coordinator of the 2nd International Conference on Bowen Family Systems Theory held on May 17-19, 2018 in Hong Kong, a landmark event attended by more than 300 attendees and  37 speakers from more than 14 countries and cities.


Mrs. Peggy Chan was trained as a social worker (B.Soc.Sc., HKU), counselor (M.Ed., U. of Toronto) prior to her family systems training. She has over 20 years of experience in counseling individuals, couples and families, and training of professionals. Her areas of specialization include marital and women‘s issues, sexual issues, loss and grief, parent-child relationship difficulties, and cultural adaptation. She is Adjunct Assistant Professor of The University of Hong Kong, teaching and supervising M.Soc.Sc. (Counselling) students since 2002. She is Fellow and Approved Supervisor of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association, and Approved Supervisor of  the Hong Kong Marriage and Family Therapy Association.


Since the inception of the ISSFI (ISS Family Institute) in Oct. 2002, Mrs. Peggy Chan  has conducted many workshops and courses on the systemic way of seeing relationships, and the applications of Bowen theory in clinical practice, work situations and family. She has developed a parenting program based on Bowen theory to the local Chinese community, as well as to parents of substance abusers through partnering with a local non-governmental organization. Mrs. Chan is interested in working with parents to develop greater emotional maturity and better connection with children.

陳蘇陳英女士 (Mrs. Peggy Chan) 於1990年初完成由加拿大溫哥華「加西家庭治療學院」舉辦的二年家庭系統治療課程,開始研習「博域家庭系統理論」(Bowen Family Systems Theory)。她參與美國華盛頓特區「博域家庭研究中心」所舉辦之「博域家庭系統理論及應用」的訓練課程達五年。自2013年起,陳女士更參與「博域家庭研究中心」的家庭研究小組,繼續深造此理論和其應用。陳女士現為「博域家庭研究中心」 之「促進博域理論發展」委員會成員,旨在促進教學和與世界各地之博域理論訓練中心聯繫和合作。陳女士在2015年8月於美國賓夕法尼亞之匹茲堡市舉行的第一屆博域家庭系統理論國際會議主講「在中國文化環境中教學博域家庭系統理論的挑戰與資源」。她亦於第二屆博域家庭系統理論國際會議 (2018年於香港) 主講「如何應用博域理論於華人家庭 – 女性的聲音」。除了在香港提供有關博域理論的訓練課程,陳女士於中國、台灣及美國均有演講博域理論及其應用。
陳蘇陳英女士有多方面的訓練。除了是家庭治療師,她也受訓社會工作 (香港大學社會科舉學士) 及輔導 (多倫多大學教育碩士) 。她從事個人與家庭輔導及專業培訓超過20年。擅長處理親子關係、婚姻、性困擾、生育、個人成長、情緒、哀傷、人際關係、及文化適應等範疇。。香港大學兼任助理教授,自2002年教授及督導社會科學碩士(輔導) 課程學生。陳女士並為香港專業輔導人員協會之認可督導和院士, 及香港婚姻及家庭治療協會之認可督導。

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