Bowen Vision 2021-2022
Learning Bowen theory through Music
Mar 19, 2022 (Sat)
人的情感與思維,以及人與人之間的關係與情愫,有時複雜得難以言喻。憑歌寄意,旋律與歌詞往往能將人的感情與思緒細膩地呈現。是次活動透過講者現場演繹不同的歌曲,一起細味成長點滴、人生百態;並嘗試用「博域理論」(Bowen Theory) 的思想來賞析歌詞,從樂韻裡了解這套關於關係的理論,從音域中認識「博域」。
Human emotions and thinking, as well as the relationship and affection between people, are sometimes too complicated to describe. The melody and lyrics can often convey the song’s meaning and present people’s feelings and thoughts poignantly. In this event, the speakers will perform different songs on the spot. Through the singing, lyrics, and rhythms of the music, the speakers will lead us onto an exploration of different aspects of life, our growing up and human relationships with the lens of Bowen theory.
趙芊嵐博士,余吳小明女士,陳元鴻先生 Dr. Renee Chiu, Ms. Janis You and Mr. Joe Chan |
趙芊嵐博士 – 註冊社會工作者
余吳小明女士 – 社會科學碩士(輔導)
陳元鴻先生 – 制造工程學學士
Course Code:
課程編號: |
BV 02/22 |
Date & Time:
日期及時間: |
Mar 19, 2022 (Sat) 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
2022 年 3 月 19 日(星期六)下午 3 時正至 5 時 30 分 |
費用: |
Public: HK $100 (Discussion)
公眾:港幣 $100 (討論) |
COF Member: FREE (Click HERE to see COF benefits)
國際社家庭學院之友:免費 (按此查看「國際社家庭學院之友」優惠) |
地點: |
6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔軒尼詩道130號修頓中心6樓/ Online (Zoom) / 網上 (Zoom) |
Speakers: 講者: |
Dr. Renee Chiu, Ms. Janis You and Mr. Joe Chan 趙芊嵐博士,余吳小明女士,陳元鴻先生 |
語言: |
廣東話 |