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Training Workshop on the Use of The Chinese Version of the Differentiation of Self Inventory (C-DSI)


With approval from Dr. Elizabeth Skowron, originator of the Differentiation of Self Inventory-Revised (DSI-R) (2003), the Differentiation of Self Inventory, was translated into Chinese.   The Chinese version of  the Differentiation of Self (C-DSI) was validated in Hong Kong and available for use by the helping professionals of Hong Kong since Feb. 2010.  The translation and validation of the C-DSI was funded by Wofoo Social Enterprises.

Besides being a valuable research tool, the C-DSI can also be used for therapeutic work with individuals, couples and families – serving:

  • as a guide for counselling directions
  • a comparison between therapist observation and client self-report
  • a measure of  the outcome of the therapy
  • a means for prediction and prevention
  • a useful tool for premarital and marital counselling


After the training workshop, participants will get:

A.    Confirmed  registration as user of the C-DSI – which includes:

  1. Free use of the C-DSI
  2. The inventory (soft copy)
  3. Scoring templates (soft copy)
  4. List of questions under each subscale (soft copy)
  5. Sample of questions for discussion with the respondents / clients (soft copy)


B.    Package which includes :

  1.  Report on the Validation of the C-DSI (soft copy)
  2. Instruction booklet on the use of the C-DSI (soft copy)
  3. Handouts of the workshop



  • To help participants understand the theoretical basis of the C-DSI
  • To train participants in the use of the C-DSI


  • Introduction of the C-DSI – its components
  • Administration of the C-DSI by workshop participants
  • Interpretation of the scores and usage of the C-DSI in clinical and research work.
  • Case illustrations


Course Code: C 31/20
Date & Time: Sep 11, 2020 (Friday)
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Fee: HKD $150 /person (*No COF rate)
Venue: On-line
Target: Helping Professional
Instructor: Mrs. Peggy Chan B.Soc.Sc., M.Ed., R.S.W.
Language: Cantonese



Mrs. Peggy Chan    B.Soc.Sc., M.Ed., R.S.W.

Peggy Chan is presently Director of Programme, ISS Family Institute, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch. She also teaches at a local university counseling programme. She has over 20 years of experience in counseling individuals and families, conducting clinical supervision, and training professionals. She has attended five years of the Postgraduate Program on Bowen Family Systems Theory and Its Applications at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family in Washington, DC, U.S.A. Prior to that, she had also attended the 2-year training program on Family Systems Therapy at Pacific Coast Family Therapy Association in Vancouver, Canada. She has devoted herself to understanding the Bowen theory and applying it to her clinical work and daily life since the early 1990s.

She is the Co-investigator of this project (Translation and Validation for Chinese Version of the Differentiation of Self Inventory).



Click here for application form in word format
Click here for application form in PDF format

Please write to issfi@isshk.org even when no course date is fixed yet. There is a recorded lecture that individuals can view to be arranged separately.  



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