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Title Author Publisher Year of publication
Family Therapy in Clinical Practice Bowen, Murray New York: Jason Aronson, Inc 1978
Eight concepts of Bowen Theory Gilbert, Roberta M. Leading Systems Press 2006
Bowen 家庭系統理論之八概念 江文賢等譯 台灣婚姻與家庭輔導學會 2012
Family Evaluation: The Role of Family as an Emotional Unit That Governs Individual Behavior and Development Kerr, Michael, E. & Bowen, Murray New York. W.W. Norton & Co 1988
Bowen Family Systems Theory Papero, D. Needham Heights, Massachusetts. Allyn & Bacon 1990
Title Author Publisher Year of publication
Growing Yourself Up: How to bring your best to all of life’s relationships. Sydney: Exisle Publishing Brown, Jenny New York: Jason Aronson, Inc 2012
Friedman’s Fables Friedman, Edwin H. Guilford Publications 2014
A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix Friedman, Edwin H. Seabury Press 2007
Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking About
Human Interactions
Gilbert, Roberta, M. Minneapolis: John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1992
Connecting with Our Children Gilbert, Roberta M. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1999
One family’s story: A primer on Bowen theory Kerr, Michael, M.D. Washington D.C.: published by the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family 2003
Family Ties That Bind: A Self-Help Guide to Change through Family of Origin Therapy Richardson, Ronald W. Vancouver: Self-Council Press 1984
Passionate Marriage: Love, Sex, and Intimacy in Emotionally Committed Relationships Schnarch, David New York: Owl Books. Reprint edition 1998
Family Constellation: It’s Effects on Personality and Social Behavior Toman, Walter NY: Springer 1961
Title Author Publisher Year of publication
Bringing Systems Thinking to Life:
Expanding the Horizons for Bowen Family Systems Theory
Bregman, Ona Cohn and White, Charles (Eds.) Routledge 2010
Report on Validation of the Chinese Versionof the
Differentiation of Self Inventory (C-DSI)
Friedman, Edwin H. Hong Kong: International Social Service Hong Kong
Couples in Conflict; A Family Systems Approach to Marriage Counseling Richardson, Ronald W. Fortress Press 2010
Differentiation of Self: Bowen Family Systems Theory
Titelman, Peter (Ed.) New York: Routledge 2014
Emotional Cutoff: Bowen Family Systems Perspectives. The
Haworth Clinical Practice Press
Titelman, Peter, editor New York: An Imprint of the Haworth Press Inc 2003
Triangles: Bowen Family Systems Theory Perspectives Titelman, Peter, editor New
York: The Hawthorn Press
Clinical Applications of Bowen Family Systems Theory Titelman, Peter, editor New
York: The Hawthorn Press
Family Constellation, Its Effects on Personality and Social Behavior Toman, Walter New York: Springer Publishing Co. 1961
Title Author Publisher Year of publication
A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix Friedman, Edwin H. Seabury Press 2007
Leading a Business in Anxious Times Fox, Leslie, and Baker, Katharine Chicago: Care
Communications Press
Extraordinary Leadership: Thinking Systems, Making a Difference Gilbert, Roberta Lake Frederick, VA: Leading Systems Press 2006
The Anxious Organization: Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things Miller, Jeffrey 2008
Birth Order and You: How Your Sex and Position in the Family Affects your Personality and Relationships Richardson, Lois & Richardson, Ronald W. Vancouver: Self Council
Understanding Organizations: Application of Bowen Family Systems Theory Riley, Ruth & Wiseman, Kathleen Klaus Washington, DC. :The Georgetown Family Centre 1982
Your Mindful Compass: Breakthrough Strategies For Navigating Life/ Work Relationships In Any Social Jungle Schara, Andrea 2013
Title Author Publisher Year of publication
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue Friedman, Edwin H. New York: The Guildford Press 1985
Creating A Healthier Church: Family Systems Theory, Leadership and Congregational Life Richardson, Ronald W. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 1996
Becoming A Healthier Pastor: Family Systems Theory and the Pastor’s Own Family Richardson, Ronald W. Augsburg Fortress Publishers 2004
Polarization and the Healthier Church: Applying Bowen Family Systems Theory to Conflict and Change in Society and Congregational Life Richardson, Ronald W. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2012
  • Family Systems: A Journal of Natural System Thinking in Psychiatry and the Sciences.
    Available by subscription from the Bowen Center www.thebowencenter.org
  • Family Systems Forum, A quarterly publication of the Center for the Study of Natural
    Systems and the Family. www.csnsf.org

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