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Family Matters Video Series Online Discussion Group 2023

Making Decisions in the Midst of an Emotionally Aroused Social Environment

Online Discussion
Apr 4, 2023 (Tue) 8:00 - 9:30 pm

Dr. Mariana Martinez interviews Dr. Daniel Papero. During this election time our society is emotionally aroused. We live in a world immersed in monumental amounts of information. We are constantly presented with a wide range of options and conflicting opinions. This is particularly true around election times characterized by polarization. How does one define a position for self in the midst of the avalanche of messages? What are the factors that intervene in someone’s efforts to find their own point of view, their own unique voice? How can one increase the capacity to make thoughtful decisions when anxiety runs high? With us, Dr. Daniel Papero will present key elements that Bowen family systems theory identifies as playing a role when making important decisions in the midst of emotionally aroused social environments.

Course Code: FM 02/23
Date: Apr 4, 2023 (Tue)
Time: 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm Viewing of the video
(or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm)
8:30pm – 9:30 pm Discussion
Fee: Public HK $100 per session

HK $100 off if you join 6 or more sessions once
(E.g. HK$700 for 8 sessions)

HK $900 if you join all sessions once (Total: 10 sessions)


Click HERE to see COF member’s benefits & discounts!

Venue: Online (Zoom)
Youtube: Link
Facilitator: Jean Tai  
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

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