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Family Matters Video Series Online Discussion Group 2022

The importance of knowing family history

Online Discussion
Dec 6, 2020 (Mon) 7:00 -8:30 pm

All of us are part of a family system that stretches back untold generations. My guest, Mrs. Victoria Harrison, based on Bowen Family Systems theory points at the profound impact knowing ones´own family history has on the way we lead our lives today and on how future generations will live theirs. But what sort of information is important to know? How can we go about discovering it? What difference does it make? And finally, what makes the attempt at learning about one´s own family at times so difficult?

Victoria Harrison is one of the senior faculty at The Bowen Center. She commutes to DC from Houston, TX where she has a clinical practice in family systems psychotherapy and uses neurofeedback and biofeedback for research and self-regulation. She is currently writing a small book on Using the Family Diagram and Family Research for people who aim to improve health and functioning in their family. This involves understanding new genetics and research in epigenetics for clues about the impact of past generations on our own functioning. Welcome back to Family Matters.

我們都屬於一個可以追溯到無數代的家庭系統的其中一部分。嘉賓 Mrs. Victoria Harrison 以博域家族系統理論,指出了解自己的家族歷史對我們今天的生活方式以及子孫後代將如何生活產生深遠的影響。但是,了解哪些資料較為重要?我們如何去發掘這些資料?這些資料會帶來什麼分別?為什麼嘗試了解自己的家庭是如此困難?

Mrs. Victoria Harrison 是華盛頓特區博域中心的資深導師。她在德薩斯州的休斯敦市從事家庭系統心理治療,並使用神經反饋和生物反饋進行研究和自我調節。她現正埋首寫一本小書「如何使用家庭圖和家庭研究」,旨在改善家庭健康和功能。這本書涉及了解新遺傳學和表觀遺傳學的研究,以協助尋找有關影響過去幾代人對我們自身功能的線索。

Course Code: FM 12/21
Date: Dec 6, 2020 (Mon)
Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video
(or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm)
7:30pm – 8:30 pm Discussion
Fee: Public HK $100 per session

HK $100 off if you join 6 or more sessions once
(E.g. HK$700 for 8 sessions)

HK $1,000 if you join all sessions once (Total: 12 sessions)


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Venue: Online (Zoom)
Youtube: Link
Facilitator: Ms. Ngan Lai Mee Yuk  
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

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