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Family Matters Video Series Online Discussion Group 2022

Finding a self in parenting

Online Discussion
Oct 10, 2022 (Mon) 7:00 -8:30 pm

When a parent is concerned about a child, it’s easy for anxiety to take over. And an anxious focus on a child can make it difficult for a parent to access their best thinking, or to observe the larger family system and their role in it. In this edition of Family Matters, Dr. Carrie Collier shares her thoughts about how a parent can begin to take responsibility for their emotional reactivity in response to a parenting challenge. She discusses what it takes to shift one’s focus from solving a child’s dilemma to managing oneself in the midst of chaos.


當父母擔心孩子時,他們會很容易被焦慮控制了。父母焦慮地關注孩子會使他們 (父母) 難以發揮最佳思維,或難以觀察到更大的家庭系統及自己在其中的角色。在本期的家庭事務分享會中,Carrie Collier 博士分享了她的想法:父母如何開始對自己的情緒反應負責任以應對育兒挑戰,她討論了如何在混亂中將注意力從解決孩子難題轉移到自我管理。

Course Code: FM 10/22
Date: Oct 10, 2022 (Mon)
Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video
(or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm)
7:30pm – 8:30 pm Discussion
Fee: Public HK $100 per session

HK $100 off if you join 6 or more sessions once
(E.g. HK$700 for 8 sessions)

HK $1,000 if you join all sessions once (Total: 12 sessions)


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Venue: Online (Zoom)
Youtube: Link
Facilitator: Ms. Kimmy Li  
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

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