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Family Matters Video Series Online Discussion Group 2022

Parental bonds

Online Discussion
Feb 7, 2022 (Mon) 7:00 -8:30 pm

“我愛你,一起生個孩子吧!”這是伴侶在性親密過程中可能表達或思考過的短語。有趣的是,這並不是人類獨有的。其他動物也通過生產後代來建立聯繫。從進化的角度來看,一夫一妻制是雙親養育的基礎,即父母之間的關係決定了他們如何養育孩子。對人類來說,這意味著養育孩子的質量與夫妻關係的質量有關。有些人會爭辯說,成為母親或父親是兩個人的事情(母親對孩子/ 父親對孩子),但我認為這是一個三人系統!

Peg Donley 多年來一直在研究、教學、出版和談論一夫一妻制、性和育兒。她是堪薩斯城私人執業的持牌社會工作者。她還是堪薩斯城的博域家庭理論臨床研討會的聯合主任。 她在 Menninger 基金會的婚姻和家庭治療培訓項目任教 12 年,自 1985 年以來一直在華盛頓特區的博域中心工作。

“I love you, lets have a baby!” This is a phrase a partner may express, or at least think, in a moment of sexual intimacy. Interestingly enough, this is not uniquely human. Other animals also establish a bond through the producing of offspring. From the evolutionary perspective, monogamy is the basis for bi-parental care, that is, the relationship between mother and father determines how they go about parenting. For humans it means that the quality of parenting has to do with the quality of the couple’s relationship. Some people would argue that being a mother or a father is a two person thing (mother-child / father-child) but instead my guest would argue it is a three person’s system!

Peg Donley has been studying, teaching, publishing and speaking about monogaym, sex and parenting for many years. She is a licensed social worker in private practice in Kansas City. She is Co-Dorector of the Bowen Family Systems Clinical Seminars also in Kansas City. She was on the faculty in the Marriage and Family Therapy Training Program in the Menninger Foundation for 12 years, and she has been involved with he Bowen Center in Washington, DC since 1985.

Course Code: FM 02/22
Date: Feb 7, 2022 (Mon)
Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video
(or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm)
7:30pm – 8:30 pm Discussion
Fee: Public HK $100 per session

HK $100 off if you join 6 or more sessions once
(E.g. HK$700 for 8 sessions)

HK $1,000 if you join all sessions once (Total: 12 sessions)


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Venue: Online (Zoom)
Youtube: Link
Facilitator: Ms. Kimmy Li  
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

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