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Family Matters Video Series On-line discussion Group

Parental Focus on a Child
父母聚焦於孩子 - 健康嗎?

On-line Discussion
Jan 20, 2021 (Wed) 7:00 -8:30 pm


In this video, Host Dr. Mariana Martinez interviews Ms. Laura Brooks, LCSW-C, and faculty member of the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family.

Families center their attention on given children with certain consequences for development. The child focus exists in the triangle with the parents and can be positive or negative, but it is the intensity of the process that is most significant. This focus is more about the insecurities and immaturities in the parents than the realities of the child’s situation and a favored child may not actually be in a better position than a not-favored child.

Course Code: FM 01/21
Date: Jan 20, 2021 (Wed)
Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video
(or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm)
7:30pm – 8:30 pm Discussion
Fee: Public HK $100 per session

HK $100 off if you join 6 or more sessions once
(E.g. HK$700 for 8 sessions)

HK $1,000 if you join all sessions once (Total: 12 sessions)


Click HERE to see COF member’s benefits & discounts!

Venue: Online (Zoom)
Youtube: Link
Facilitator: Ms. Mavis Yau, M.Soc.Sc. (Counselling), R.S.W. Ms. Yau is a registered social worker. She has considerable experience in providing counselling service to children and youth, and their families. She has previously worked in rehabilitation and medical service as well. She has pursued study in Bowen theory, and is motivated to apply it to her clinical cases and daily life.
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

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