Bowen Vision 2021-2022
母子情深 - 成年兒子的反思
Mother-son Relationship – An adult son’s Reflection
May 14, 2022 (Sat)
面對父母給自己數不盡的恩情、豪無保留的犧牲和忘我, 以子女的需要為依歸和人生目標的情景,成年子女如何領受這些愛和恩情?可以說不,而不傷害父母親的好意嗎?若是,如何說?還是完全接受父母親的好意照顧和愛護,安份做個「媽寶」或「爸寶」? 在成長過程中,我們如何適當地對父母感恩,亦為自己創立空間,建立自己,活出自我?
講者羅偉強先生透過分享他對自己原生家庭的研究,會與我們剖析他與母親及整個原生家庭的成長之路,探討如何應用Bowen theory,邁向更情緒成熟之生命歷程、建立自己,活出自我。
With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day approaching, we all use this holiday to commemorate the hard work of our parents and thank them for their selfless dedication and rearing, but less about the struggles and complex emotions of adult children to accept their parents’ kindness.
Faced with our parents’ often limitless kindness, unreserved sacrifice, self-denial for the benefits of their children, and life goals of satisfying their children’s needs, how should adult children receive this love and kindness? Can we say no without hurting our parents’ good intentions? If so, how to say it? Or do we fully accept our parents’ care and love, and become a “mommy’s boy” or a “father’s boy”? In the process of growing up, how can we show our gratitude to our parents appropriately while also creating space for ourselves, establishing ourselves, and living out our true selves?
The speaker, Mr. Law Wai Keung, will share his research on his family-of-origin. He will discuss how he uses Bowen theory to work on his relationship with his mother and his entire family-of-origin towards a more emotionally mature life course, establishing himself and living out himself.
Course Code:
課程編號: |
BV 03/22 |
Date & Time:
日期及時間: |
May 14, 2022 (Sat) 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
2022 年 5 月 14 日(星期六)下午 3 時正至 5 時 30 分 |
費用: |
Public: HK $100 (Discussion)
公眾:港幣 $100 (討論) |
COF Member: FREE (Click HERE to see COF benefits)
國際社家庭學院之友:免費 (按此查看「國際社家庭學院之友」優惠) |
地點: |
6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔軒尼詩道130號修頓中心6樓/ Online (Zoom) / 網上 (Zoom) |
講者: |
羅偉強先生, 基督教婚姻及家庭治療碩士
Mr. Law Wai Keung Simon, M.CMFT |
語言: |
廣東話 |