Bowen Vision 2020-2021
Managing Self – in the Aging Process, and being a Caregiver
我們很高興請來四位朋友, 與我們分享箇中的玄機,啟迪 和機遇,並闡釋博域理論如何在此過程中助她們一把。
講者 Speaker:
Ms. Chelsea Cheung 張家禎 BSc, MSc, Research associate. Nutritionist |
較為年青的照顧者的感言 – “It is great to know about the Bowen theory, when I was relatively young. It broadened my horizon by offering a systemic perspective, which is helpful in both research work and my personal life. The process to learning the theory and applying it in managing myself and caregiving, has become my journey to understand and realize my own self without blindly follow the instructions/desire of my parents and siblings.” |
Ms. Jean Tai 戴玉貞 M. Guidance & Counselling. Freelance counsellor |
本身正逐漸步入退休,要面對退休各樣的挑戢, 同時亦要照顧年邁父母.,戴女士會與我們細說如何自處。 “Young olds taking care of the old olds”- challenges and difficulties. |
Ms. Doris Tai 戴惠嬋 M.Soc. Sc. (Counselling). Family & Marriage Therapist |
「踏入長者之路其實是可以很興奮和充實。博域理論讓我發覺到在此階段我可以很有方向和目標。此理論協助我訂下一個藍本如何在家庭關係中建立一個更成熟的我,及與家人建立更有意義的聯繫。」 |
Ms. Ngai Lai Mee Yuk 顏黎美玉 MA in Social Work. Social worker |
從個案輔導經驗和電影「小偷家族」,透視長者和照顧者顧人顧己之道。 |
Course Code:
課程編號: |
BV 04/21 |
Date & Time:
日期及時間: |
July 10, 2021 (Sat) 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
2021 年 7 月 10 日(星期六)下午 3 時正至 5 時 30 分 |
費用: |
Public: HK $100
公眾:港幣 $100 |
COF Member: FREE (Click HERE to see COF benefits)
國際社家庭學院之友:免費 (按此查看「國際社家庭學院之友」優惠) |
地點: |
6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (view map)
香港灣仔軒尼詩道130號修頓中心6樓 (查看地圖) |
講者: |
語言: |
廣東話 |