Managing Self and Relationships during the COVID-19 Days
Application of Bowen Theory in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak
Mrs Peggy Chan, MEd, RSW 陳蘇陳英女士
From interdependence to social distancing
Ms. Doris Tai, MSocSc (Counselling) 戴慧嬋女士
Situations re: counselling clients and counsellors
Ms. Livia Cheuk, BSW, RSW 卓美蘭女士
Views on family relationships and societal phenomena
Ms. Jean Tai, M Guidance & Counselling 戴玉貞女士
中港兩邊走 的處境
Situations re: travelling to and fro from Mainland to Hong Kong
Ms. Janis You, MSocSc (Counselling) 余吴小明女士
Reflection on different cultures’ reactions to coronavirus preventive measures
網上坐談會 On-line Discussion Forum
May 16, 2020 (Sat) 10 am – 12:30 pm
新冠狀肺炎肆虐全球,全人類的安全和生活、頓然受威脅。全世界大部份地區停擺,地球似乎能得到短暫的歇息。這場瘟疫對全球人類的影響深遠,無論個人、家庭與人際關係、工作、各國政府和工商業運作 均受衝激。面對全世界的未來的日子相信是充滿艱辛。 我們已經歷了一段相當困難、步步為營的日子,如何繼續裝備充夠的身心能量面對未來的挑戰,和不能預測到的變數?
博域理論提及,一個社會的退化程度與人類能否與大自然有和諧的關係至為關鍵。 讓我們透過博域理論來反思、撿視、探討在新冠狀肺炎下我們的自處和與人及大自然的關係,以協助提升個人的有效自處,使更能助我們在所處群體中發揮理性主導和彼此關顧的質素。
Faced with the spread of the coronavirus around the globe, our security and livelihood have been under tremendous threat. As many parts of the world come to a pause, our planet earth seems to have found some respite. The thrust of this pandemic has penetrated into every walks of our life – from personal to families, interpersonal relationships, workplaces, governments, commerce and industries, as well as international relationships. No doubt there will be profound challenges and risks to face in the immediate future, changes to adapt to, but also opportunities to take.
How should we continue to prepare ourselves to brace the challenges of the coming days and to tackle the ever-unpredictable variants?
Bowen theory depicts that the degree of societal regression is correlated with the ability of mankind to live in harmony with nature. May we come together to reflect and examine how we can manage ourselves, our interpersonal relationships and connection with nature through the lens of Bowen theory, so as to work towards being a rational and compassionate self in our groups.
Fee |
公眾人士: HKD $75 Public: HKD $75 |
COF會員: 免費 COF Member: Free |
時間表 Timeline
10:00 am |
海外討論者分享 Overseas discussants |
Ms. Debbie Pincus, MS, LMHC (New York) | |
Dr. Mercy Burton Russell, MSW, EdD (California) | |
10:30 am |
香港討論者分享 Local discussants |
Mrs Peggy Chan, MEd, RSW 陳蘇陳英女士 | |
Ms. Doris Tai, MSocSc (Counselling) 戴慧嬋女士 | |
Ms. Livia Cheuk, BSW, RSW 卓美蘭女士 | |
Ms. Jean Tai, M Guidance & Counselling 戴玉貞女士
Situations re: travelling to and fro from Mainland to Hong Kong |
Ms. Janis You, MSocSc (Counselling) 余吴小明女士
Reflection on different cultures’ reactions to coronavirus preventive measures |
11:45 am |
與參加者討論和分享。All are welcome to join in the discussions after the sharing of the discussants. |