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4th Family Systems Symposium
Transforming Family Systems: Navigating Change and Growth
June 22, 2024 (Sat)
9:30 am – 5:30 pm

B) 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Afternoon presentations & Panel Discussions (Cantonese)

Presentation 6
4:30 pm

Sharenting: How Much Is Too Much?

In the 21st century, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, permeating every aspect. Sharenting has become more prevalent. It refers to the practice of parents publicizing large amount of sensitive content about their children on social media platforms, e.g. by posting photos, videos or sharing personal stories. In so doing, parents can stay connected with the outside world and gain community support. However, sharenting may have undesirable impact on children, e.g. shaping these children’s digital identities and intrusion of their rights and individual boundaries.

In this presentation, we will understand the phenomenon of Sharenting from the perspective of Bowen theory. The presenter will discuss how both the parents and children’s differentiation of self, family emotional processes and the societal emotional processes come into play in this phenomenon of sharenting. She will also discuss insights on how to be mindful parents in the digital age without crossing the line into over-sharenting.

Ms. WONG Wai Man(黃惠文女士), M.Soc.Sc. in Counselling

Ms. Wong is currently a school counsellor. She first learned about Bowen theory during her Master of Counselling course in Hong Kong. After that, she dedicated herself to studying Bowen theory and joined the Professional Training Programme in Bowen Family Systems Theory & Therapy at ISS Family Institute. Bowen Theory has had a positive impact on her, developing her systemic thinking in understanding her family of origin and her relationships with others. She has a special interest in applying Bowen theory in her counseling work and training in various settings, including schools and churches.

Ms. Wong holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Counselling and Psychology in Hong Kong Shue Yan University, and a Master of Social Sciences in Counselling with Distinction from Hong Kong Baptist University. Her areas of specialization include parent-child relationship, family issues, cultural adaptation and personal growth for individuals.

Fee (whole day) :

Student price: 400 /person (Please upload relevant student ID document through online enrollment form)
Regular : HK$800 /person
COF: HK$760 /person
Group of two persons (Accompany Discount Package) : HK$700 /person


Hybrid (online + in-person)

Venue: Multi- function Room, 7/F, Building 19W, 19 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong (香港沙田白石角香港科學園科技大道西19號19W大樓7樓多功能廳) 

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