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4th Family Systems Symposium
Transforming Family Systems: Navigating Change and Growth
June 22, 2024 (Sat)
9:30 am – 5:30 pm

B) 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Afternoon presentations & Panel Discussions (Cantonese)

Presentation 2
2:05 pm

Preserving Integrity, Protecting Children: Insights from Bowen Family System Theory in the Challenge of Mandatory Reporting

The impending enactment of mandatory reporting legislation for child abuse has raised concerns among social workers regarding its implementation and impact on their professional practice. Drawing upon the fundamental principles of Bowen family systems theory, this presentation delves into the intricate interplay among clients, social workers, and the legal system within the context of mandatory reporting. Through this exploration, participants will gain valuable insights into effectively managing anxiety related to the bill’s implementation, navigating ethical dilemmas, upholding professional integrity, establishing clear roles and responsibilities, and fostering differentiation of self as social worker. By applying Bowen theory’s theoretical concepts, the audience will acquire practical strategies to navigate the challenges posed by mandatory reporting, while simultaneously safeguarding the well-being of children and families.

Ms. Tobey TAM (譚穎芯女士)
AAMFT Clinical Fellow, CCoun (HKPCA), CMFT (HKMFT)

Tobey became acquainted with the Bowen family system theory during university years. Subsequently, she pursued several courses at ISSFI, deepening her understanding and interest in this theory. Appreciating that the Bowen Family System Theory is a theory of wisdom that not only helps oneself but also assists others, in which she strives to practice the theory in daily life and own clinical work. She specializes in personal growth, trauma healing, marital struggles, mental health issues, grief issues, as well as family or interpersonal relationship difficulty. She has over 16 years of experience in family counseling, having formerly worked as Senior Social Worker in an Integrated Family Service Centre and as a part-time social work fieldwork supervisor at the University of Hong Kong. Currently, she is studying courses at the Bowen Center in the United States to further enhance her understanding and application of the Bowen Family System Theory.


Fee (whole day) :

Student price: 400 /person (Please upload relevant student ID document through online enrollment form)
Regular : HK$800 /person
COF: HK$760 /person
Group of two persons (Accompany Discount Package) : HK$700 /person


Hybrid (online + in-person)

Venue: Multi- function Room, 7/F, Building 19W, 19 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong (香港沙田白石角香港科學園科技大道西19號19W大樓7樓多功能廳) 

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