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BV 02/21 – Bowen Vision – Managing Self – Middle aged couple with launching children 孩子初探社會,羽翼長成?留家?離家?中年夫婦如何自處?

Bowen Vision 2020-2021 Managing Self – Middle aged couple with launching children 孩子初探社會,羽翼長成?留家?離家?中年夫婦如何自處? Course Code:  課程編號: BV 02/21 Date & Time:  日期及時間: Mar 13, 2021 (Sat) 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm  2021 年 3 月 13 日(星期六)下午 3 時正至 5 […]

HKD $100

FM 03/21 – Emotional Cutoff and Migration

  Course Code: FM 03/21 Date: Mar 22, 2021 (Mon) Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video (or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 […]

HKD $100

FM 04/21 – Death in the Family

Course Code: FM 04/21 Date: Apr 21, 2021 (Wed) Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video (or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm) […]

HKD $100

FM 05/21 – Death in the Family

Course Code: FM 05/21 Date: May 13, 2021 (Thu) Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video (or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm) […]

HKD $100

FM 07/21 – Managing Self and Unexpected Life Cycle Events

Course Code: FM 07/21 Date: Jul 21, 2021 (Wed) Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video (or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm) […]

HKD $100

FM 09/21 – Triangles

Course Code: FM 09/21 Date: Sep 9, 2021 (Thu) Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video (or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm) […]

HKD $100

Bowen Vision 2021-2022 戒毒中的糾纏 – 箇中父母與濫藥子女的情緒融合和牽扯 Emotional Entanglement in Parent – child relationships affected by substance abuse

  Bowen Vision 2021-2022 戒毒中的糾纏 – 箇中父母與濫藥子女的情緒融合和牽扯 Emotional Entanglement in Parent – child relationships affected by substance abuse   戒毒者願意踏上康復的道路,但家人之間的溝通仍然充滿懷疑及不信任,最終引致復吸的結果。是節工作坊會使用博域家庭理論,與參加者共同探討家人的原生家庭如何影響對待吸毒者的關係。 講者 Speaker: 胡永華先生 Mr. Bosco Woo 現職路德會青怡中心之社工,從事青少年及戒毒輔導服務超過十年經驗。近年積極發展男士戒毒者輔導工作。現時主力負責策劃及推行以隱蔽吸毒者家人輔導和支援工作為重點的禁毒基金計劃,並積極連繫社區領袖發展社區抗毒網絡。       Course Code:  課程編號: BV 05/21 Date & Time:  日期及時間: Sep 25, […]

HKD $100

Bowen Vision 2021-2022 戒毒中的糾纏 – 箇中父母與濫藥子女的情緒融合和牽扯 (BV 05/21)

https://issfi.org/bowen-vision-2021-2022/bv-05-21/ Bowen Vision 2021-2022 戒毒中的糾纏 – 箇中父母與濫藥子女的情緒融合和牽扯 Emotional Entanglement in Parent – child relationships affected by substance abuse Course Code:  課程編號: BV 05/21 Date & Time:  日期及時間: Sep 25, 2021 (Sat) 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm  2021 年 9 月 […]

HKD $100

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