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Counselling Service

We offer counseling to help families and individuals requirements by state to cope with life dilemmas, so that they can understand their problems in a new light, manage self and relationships more effectively.


We serve people from all walks of life. People facing the following problems are welcome to seek our counseling service:

♥ Couple relationships – marital discord, extra-marital affairs, separation, divorce, remarriage

♥ Infertility

♥ Parenting

♥ Child / adolescent behavioural / emotional problems

♥ Individual emotional problem, depression, anxiety, fear

♥ Anger management

♥ Grief and loss

♥ Job stress

♥ Relocation

♥ Relationships with extended families

♥ Aging, retirement


Our counseling service is guided by  Bowen family systems theory. In our counselling service, you will be facilitated:

♥ To think clearly, so that you can have a broad view of the situation, and understand your problems in an objective way.

♥ To manage your emotional reactions, so that you can be in a calmer state.

♥ To examine your own part in the problem situation, and see how your and the other persons are mutually influencing each other.

♥ To understand your life principles and develop choices

♥ To plan and implement appropriate strategies to cope with the problem

♥ To see the connection between your present situation and their past, making use of family resources and to prevent recurrence of dysfunctional family patterns

♥ To have effective relationships with people important to you, so that you can be both responsible for self, and for the overall good of the group that you are in.

Language – Cantonese, Putonghua, English


The Faculty

Mrs. Peggy Chan 陳蘇陳英女士 - M.Ed, R.S.W.

Director of Programme
ISS Family Institute
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch


Mrs. Chan has engaged in counseling, supervision, and training for over 20 years. Her counseling areas include parent-child relationships, adolescent issues, couple relationships, women’s roles, in-law relationships, grief, workplace stress, and cultural conflicts. Ms. Chan has studied various counseling models, and has focused on the study of Bowen family systems theory for over 30 years, deeply appreciating its depth and applicability.
She strives to help clients reduce anxiety, enhance rational thinking, understand interaction patterns with significant people and the impact of family of origin, so as to promote effective self-management and healthy functioning within their groups without manipulating others or losing self. Ms. Chan is currently a Certified Marriage and Family Therapist and Approved Supervisor with the Hong Kong Marriage and Family Therapy Association, as well as a Fellow and Certified Counseling Supervisor and Certified Counselor with the Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association. She is also an adjunct assistant professor at a university and a supervisor for counseling interns.
陳女士著重協助當事人降低焦慮,提升理性,理解個人與他人的互動和原生家庭的影響,以協助受輔導者建立有效的自處形態,以及在所屬的群體能與人完善相處,利己理人,不操控他人,也不用迷失了自己。陳女士現為香港婚姻及家庭治療協會 認証婚姻及家庭治療師、認証督導; 香港專業輔導協會  院士、認証輔導督導、認証輔導師。陳女士亦是大學兼職助理教授和輔導實習督導。
Ms. Jean Tai 戴玉貞女士 - M. Guidance & Counselling

Having worked in the business sector for many years in her earlier career with a Master of Business Administration. Ms Jean Tai turned to the field of counselling after graduating from the Hong Kong Polytechnics University with Master Degree in Guidance and Counselling. Since then, she has pursued continuous studies of Bowen theory both at the ISS Family Institute and the Bowen network.
Ms Tai is enthusiastic in bringing with her more than 20 years of experience from the business world and her learning of Bowen theory into her private practice. Her focus is to help clients manage their daily life, family relationships, personal issues and workplace relationships towards a better level of differentiation of self and to be able to regulate their emotions and express their I position.
Ms. Doris Tai 戴惠嬋女士 - M. Social Sciences (Counselling)

Ms. Tai has practiced marriage and family therapy since 1999.  She has handled cases in the areas of interpersonal relationships, dating, family of origin, marital stress and extra-marital affairs, parenting, grief, emotional distress, work pressure, addiction, and faiths, etc. She has served as the clinical supervisor of a family service center,  part-time lecturer at the seminary, and church preacher. and speaks at workshops and conferences.
She was graduated M. Social Sciences (Counselling) from The University of Hong Kong.  She is Certified Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Supervisor (HKMFT), as well as Certified Professional Counselor and an Associate Fellow (HKPCA).  Ms. Tai has received training in various counseling theories, but has mainly studied and adopts Bowen family systems theory as her framework for counseling. Ms. Tai was born and raised in Hong Kong. She later received education and training as well as worked in Taiwan, Canada, the United States, and Australia.


Certified Counsellors

Our counsellors have Masters degree in Counselling and are Certified Counsellors of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Assoication.

Counselling Trainees

Through their practicum, our counselling trainees provide counselling service at very affordable fees to the community. All of our couselling trainees have obtained their Masters degree in counselling/ social work, and have experience in counselling or social work service. Their practicum is part of our training programme whereby they learn to apply Bowen theory in their clinical work. The counselling trainees receive regular supervision from Mrs. Peggy Chan.

Tel (852) 2258 9303

WhatsApp / Text:
(852) 6360 2212


ISS Family Institute
6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


Fees / session ( each session 1 hour):
  • Counselling Intern: HKD $200
  • Certified Counsellors: HKD $500 – $800
  • Senior Counsellor & Family Therapist: HKD 1,500 / session (1 hour)


Service Hours:

Monday – Friday 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

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