< 博域視野 > 2020 4月家庭學院友活動
Being a Mature Self with Challenging Children
25/4/2020 (Sat) 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Online Attendance Available
具挑戰性的小孩可謂林林種種,除了以上例子或一些有攻擊性行為的小孩較為「顯眼」,一些如天使般的小孩,處處善解人意、但卻毫無保留地放棄自我、跟隨父母及權威的意旨,以搏取他人的認同和讚賞;或是一些隱者小孩;或常作小丑的小孩,他們避免與人有真摯的接觸,內心早已實行了社交距離措施 – 以上有這行為動態的小朋友可能更富挑戰性!
我們如何培育這些各有千秋的孩子,及明瞭這些孩子的行為動態是如何煉出來的?博域理論 (Bowen theory) 強調若成人能自處適宜、理性處事,以致能提供一個平靜安穩的情緒環境給孩子,對孩子的成長至為重要。
“Why must the mask cover the mouth?” “Why must I finish dinner before I can have dessert?”, “Why can’t I do this?” “I don’t like you!” These are all familiar and challenging comments from children that you may encounter each day.
Challenging kids come in all sorts of forms, they may be obviously defiant, but others can appear to be angelic and emphatic, or come across as bashful or acting as jokers. But inwardly, they may be putting out a front to disengage from really connecting with people. These are the really challenging ones.
So how did they come about in forming these facades and how should we nurture them?
Bowen theory stipulates that having a neutral, rational, calm and stable environment provided by adults are the most important factors facilitating a child’s growth. How then can we, as their parents, social workers or teachers, be the best of ourselves for them, especially under anxious and stressful times?
One of the challenges of being a social worker is the need to support parents in disciplining their challenging children as well as helping the kids to develop their independence. How does one balance these dilemmas yet avoiding oneself to be drawn into a triangle to complicate matters?
Come and hear our presenter Ms. Oliver Kwok as she shares her experience and insights and lead us into more discussions at the coming Bowen Vision Activity.
郭詠雯女士, 註冊社會工作者
Ms Kwok Wing Man, R.S.W.
編號 |
BV 02/20 |
日期 |
2020 年 4 月 25 日 |
時間 |
下午 3:00 – 5:30 |
地點 |
香港灣仔軒尼詩道130號修頓中心6樓 香港國際社會服務社 (地鐵灣仔站 B1 出口) |
講者 |
郭詠雯女士 (註冊社會工作者) |
語言 |
廣東話 |
對象 |
家長、兒童教育者、助人行業人士、有興趣兒童情緒發展之人士參加 |
費用 |
公眾人士: $75 ; COF會員: 免費 |
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