Bowen 線上小聚
Bowen On-line Chat
「在疫下平靜安穩」(四) : 在確診中平靜安穩
Maintaining a Calm Self under the Pandemic (4): When You or/and Your Family Members are Infected with Omicron

過去這兩三個月相信大部份香港人都有家人、朋友、同事或自己確診新冠病毒肺炎, 箇中自然充滿挑戰和艱辛。
In the past two or three months, it is believed that most Hong Kong people have family members, friends, colleagues or themselves been infected with the Omicron virus. Naturally, it is full of challenges and hardships.
In this online chat, we have invited several friends to share their experiences of managing themselves during this trying period when either their family members or/and themselves were infected with the virus. The emotional processes and efforts to maintain calmness and thoughtfulness will be especially discussed.
Inspire each other and build a stronger self.
主持 Facilitator:
陳蘇陳英 (教育碩士)
Peggy Chan (Mrs.), M.Ed.
香港國際社會服務社 國際社家庭學院
認証婚姻及家庭治療師、認証督導 (香港婚姻及家庭治療協會)
院士、認可輔導督導 (香港專業輔導協會)
Director of Programme
ISS Family Institute, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch
Registered Social Worker
Approved Supervisor & Certified Marriage and Family Therapist, HKMFTA.
Fellow & Approved Counselling Supervisor, HKPCA
Course Code: | BOC 04/22 | |
Date & Time: | 29/4/2022 (星期五) 下午1:00 – 2:00 | |
Fee: | 免費 Free | |
Venue: | Online (Zoom) | |
Facilitator: | 陳蘇陳英女士 Mrs. Peggy Chan |
教育碩士 M.Ed. |
Language: | Cantonese supplemented with English |
免費報名 Free to Join
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