Family Matters Video Series Online Discussion Group 2023

The 2023 Family Matters Video Series On-line Discussion Group is coming! The discussion will be held in Cantonese and facilitated by local Bowen theory learners. Overseas participants are very welcome!

About Family Matters
Family Matters is a series of half hour TV shows jointly produced by the Bowen Center for the University of the District of Columbia since 2006. The format is a one-on-one interview designed to bring out the best and most in-depth observations from professional people with experience in Bowen family systems theory who have spent their professional lives learning about the issues that matter to families.
The purpose of the program is to support the mission of the Bowen Center to assist families in solving major life problems through understanding and improving human relationships and to support the adult programming strategy of UDC-TV. (
Time 7:00pm – 7:30pm Viewing of the video
(or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 8:30 pm)
7:30pm – 8:30pm Discussion
Fee Public: HK $100 per session    

HK $100 off if you join 6 or more sessions once
(E.g. HK$700 for 8 sessions)

HK$900 if you join all sessions once (Total: 10 sessions)

COF Member: FREE    

Click HERE to see COF member benefits & discounts!


Date Course Code Title YouTube Speaker Facilitator
Mar 1, 2023 (Wed) FM 01/23 The Power of Family Process Link Robert Noone Peggy Chan
Apr 4, 2023 (Tue) FM 02/23 Making Decisions in the Midst of an Emotionally Aroused Social Environment Link Daniel Papero Jean Tai
May 3, 2023 (Wed) FM 03/23 Goal Direction and Family Functioning Link Phillip Kleever Winnie Lee
Jun 6, 2023 (Tue) FM 04/23 Being a Self in Aging: Interviews with Scotty Hargrove and Lilian Rosenbaum Link Scotty Hargrove and Lilian Rosenbaum Jean Tai
Jul 5, 2023 (Wed) FM 05/23 Family & Dementia Link Selden Illick Winnie Lee
Aug 8, 2023 (Tue) FM 06/23 The Impact of Traumatic Events Over Generations Link Douglas Murphy Livia Cheuk
Sep 6, 2023 (Wed) FM 07/23 High Conflict Families Link Amy Post Winnie Lee
Oct 10, 2023 (Tue) FM 08/23 Helping Adults Launch Part 2 Link Anne McKnight Livia Cheuk
Nov 1, 2023 (Wed) FM 09/23 The Family and End of Life Care Link Kathleen Kerr Sylvia Chu
Dec 5, 2023 (Tue) FM 10/23 Sibling Rivalry Link Daniel Papero Jean Tai


Mrs. Peggy Chan, M.Ed., R.S.W.

Mrs. Peggy Chan is a long time learner of Bowen theory. She offers training programme on Bowen theory, counselling and supervision service guided by Bowen theory. She has special interest in applying Bowen theory to parenting.

Ms. Jean Tai, M. Guidance & Counselling

Ms. Jean Tai takes special interest in the practice of Bowen theory in her work place and counselling work. She is a long-time student of the Family Institute’s Professional Training Programme in Bowen Family Systems and Therapy.

Ms. Winnie Lee, B. Sc Psychology, M.Divinity

Ms Winnie Lee studied Counselling and Psychology, though she worked at the commercial sector after graduation, she is very interested in Bowen Theory and has taken different courses at ISSFI. Her passion is to understand her family of origin, to apply Bowen Theory to herself and to share her learnings with others or vice versa.

Ms. Livia Cheuk, B.S.W., R.S.W.

Ms. Cheuk is a social worker offering counselling and needed services to families, couples and individuals.  She is an enthusiastic  learner of Bowen theory and  an active participant of the training programmes of  the  ISS Family Institute.

Ms. Sylvia Chu, M.Soc.Sc. Counselling

Ms. Sylvia Chu is a service supervisor who provides consultation to social workers in counseling service. She is interested in learning Bowen Theory and has participated in training courses of ISS Family Institute continuously.

