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Family Matters Video Series On-line discussion Group

自我管理 與 沒有預期的生命週期事件
Managing Self and Unexpected Life Cycle Events

On-line Discussion
Jul 21, 2021 (Wed) 7:00 -8:30 pm

  • 為什麼有些家庭可以扺受壓力和風浪 ,但有些家庭則崩潰衰落?
  • 一個最富恢復力 (resilience) 的家庭是怎樣的?
  • 建立家庭恢復力的秘訣是什麼?
  • 個人如何於挑戰和困境中管理自己,使能成為家庭的資源而不是壓力?


「家庭事務」是博域家庭研究中心和哥倫比亞特區大學的聯合製作的錄影片。於此會談中,主持人 Mariana Martinez 博士和博域家庭研究中心教學委員 Priscilla Friesen 女士探討為什麼在渡過生命週期中,有些家庭會比其他家庭遇到更多困難;是什麼讓一個家庭在應對意外事件的能力方面會與另一個家庭不同;一個家庭如何在困難的情況下保持正軌;以及從痛苦的生命事件中恢復的過程。


Family Matters is a joint production of the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family and the University of the District of Columbia. Program host, Dr. Mariana Martinez and Bowen faculty member Ms. Priscilla Friesen explore why some families have more difficulty than others in their progression through life cycle; what makes one family different from the other in their capacity to navigate unexpected occurrences; how a family can stay on track, despite difficult circumstances; and the process of recovery from painful life events.


To be able to move towards things that are anxious increases flexibility. Instead of getting away from things, challenge yourself to be in contact with relationships that are hardest for you.  Develop  a factual picture of what part you play in it that makes it so challenging for them and for you.”       – Ms. Priscilla Friesen 


Priscilla Friesen 女士就讀於堪薩斯大學社會工作研究院時接觸到梅利.博域 (Murray Bowen) 的想法。1978 年,她從堪薩斯州搬到華盛頓特區,以追求自己的興趣。她成為生理回饋計劃的行政助理並參加了博域家庭研究中心研究生培訓計劃。她對生理回饋的早期接觸極大地影響了她對博域理論的理解以及她對人際關係生理學的關注。她於 1987 年被委任為中心的教學委員。她在 1990 年至 2003 年期間擔任博域家庭系統理論及其應用研究課程總監。自 1994 年以來,她一直在研究腦神經反饋,這是將生理回饋擴展至包括腦電波在內。這使她開始研究大腦的進化和發展以及身體/思想/關係如何同步運作。 Friesen 女士在家庭中心以及國內外的培訓介紹了這領域的知識。


Ms. Priscilla Friesen was introduced to the ideas of Murray Bowen in graduate school in social work at the University of Kansas. She moved from Kansas to Washington, DC in l978 to pursue her interest. She became an administrative assistant in the Biofeedback Program and participated in the postgraduate training program. Her early exposure to biofeedback has significantly influenced her understanding of Bowen theory and her focus on the physiology of relationships. She was appointed to the faculty in 1987. She was director of the Postgraduate Program in Bowen Family Systems Theory and its Applications from 1990-2003. Since 1994, she has been working with neurofeedback, an expansion of biofeedback that includes brain waves. This has led her into the study of evolution and development of the brain as well as how the body/mind/relationships operate in synchrony. Ms. Friesen presents in this area of knowledge in the training programs at the Family Center as well as around the country and abroad.

Course Code: FM 07/21
Date: Jul 21, 2021 (Wed)
Time: 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm Viewing of the video
(or participants can view the video in their own time prior to this meeting, and join the discussion at 7:30 pm)
7:30pm – 8:30 pm Discussion
Fee: Public HK $100 per session

HK $100 off if you join 6 or more sessions once
(E.g. HK$700 for 8 sessions)


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Venue: Online (Zoom)
Youtube: Link
Facilitator: Ms. Mavis Yau, M.Soc.Sc. (Counselling), R.S.W. Ms. Yau is a registered social worker. She has considerable experience in providing counselling service to children and youth, and their families. She has previously worked in rehabilitation and medical service as well. She has pursued study in Bowen theory, and is motivated to apply it to her clinical cases and daily life.
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

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