Defining Self in Your Family of Origin – October 24, 2019
About this course
Dr. Ronald Richardson (D. Min) encountered Bowen theory shortly after arriving in Vancouver. He quickly decided that this was the kind of psychotherapy approach he wanted to learn and practice. He especially appreciated the importance of therapists doing their own family of origin work and started a long term effort of his own in his family. This work was central to his training of therapists in Bowen theory. He also served on the faculty of the Pacific Coast Family Therapy Training Association for 20 years. His own agency experienced major growth during the time he was Director and it became a metropolitan-wide agency. His agency had 8 field offices around the greater Vancouver area and 25 clinicians on staff. The practice of the agency was almost entirely focused on providing therapy to clients (individuals, couples, and families) from a Bowen family systems theory perspective. He worked with a large number of couples in his practice and provided training and clinical supervision to many therapists and clergy leaders for over 25 years. He was a Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
2019 Bowen Theory Conference (Day 1) 0/4
Defining Self in Your Family of Origin - October 24, 2019
Contents of this day's conference will cover the following areas: (a) The history of family of origin work in Bowen Theory (b) How does family of origin work differ from traditional psychotherapy approaches that talk about a client's family influence. (c) What is unresolved emotional attachment and how does that affect our relational life, our family of procreation, and our clinical work. (d) Greater differentiation of self as the ongoing goal of family work and its major impact on clinical work.